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How to Care For Hair Extensions the Right Way

June 29, 2022

Hair extensions are an amazing way to introduce length, dimension, and volume to your locks instantly, but they are also an investment. It doesn’t have to be difficult or stressful, but many users are unsure how to go about it. 

We want to make this process as easy as possible, so follow these helpful tips for worry-free extension care.

Wash with Care

When washing your extensions, it's important you hydrate them as much as possible. Always ensure that you focus your shampoo on the roots to remove excess oil and conditioner on the ends to keep them nourished. After you are finished, carefully squeeze any excess water from the extensions and make sure that you never rub your extensions dry with a towel.

Brush Regularly

Make sure that you are always gentle with your extensions and that you brush them properly as this can also affect their lifespan. Using a small bristle brush, brush your hair extensions a minimum of two times a day and before every shampoo. Start detangling the ends and brush up towards the roots. Make sure the extensions are tangle-free in the root area. This is very important — skip just once and you may see matted hair and tangles!

Never Go to Sleep With Wet Hair

Your hair is at its weakest when it is wet, which means that the tossing and turning while you sleep can take its toll on both your natural locks and extensions. Make sure that your hair is totally dry when you go to sleep in order to prevent these tough tangles.

Store Your Extensions Properly After Removal

Store your hair extensions in a Storage Bag. Keeping your extensions protected from dust and dirt will mean they are ready to wear when you are and increase the lifespan of your hair.


Although hair extensions will require you to make some lifestyle adjustments, we promise that it will all be worth it. It might sound crazy, but you will be excited to wake up in the morning and style your new hair. By adding the above steps to your routine, as well as scheduling regular maintenance appointments, your hair will stay flawless for months to come.